Home Wallpaper Near Me Texas
Hello and welcome to our Home wallpaper site for Texas. My name is Deb Godknecht and my team and I have been helping people over 25 years find that perfect wallpaper for their room or space that they are looking for. We would like to help you.One of the greatest struggles people have is what will my wallpaper look like on my wall. We have created a wallpaper simulator so you can see your wallpaper selection on the wall before you buy.
Please click this link WALLPAPER SIMULATOR and go check it out. I have my personal collection of wallpapers on that page as well.
If you have a specific wallpaper you would like to see on the simulator please contact me so we can arrange that. Contact Deb
Fun Facts For The State of Texas
Texas is a West South Central state bordered by Oklahoma to the north, Louisiana to the East, and Mexico to the south. It is the second most populous state in the United States; only California has more residents. The state is the largest in the contiguous (that is, connected, not including Hawaii and Alaska) United States and the second largest overall; only Alaska is bigger. Texas is as large as Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and all of New England combined; Connecticut and Rhode Island could almost fit inside Brewster, the state's largest county. You can see forest, mountains, deserts, dry plains, and coastal lowlands if you travel through Texas.
Texas is named after the Indian word "Tejas," which means "friends" or "allies." Do you know why Texas is nicknamed the "Lone Star State?" It's because the state was once an independent country with its own single star flag. The abbreviation for Texas is TX.
Texas is a very productive state. If you want to see the most farmland of any state in the country, go to Texas. Over 1,000 different soils produce a variety of crops there. You can still find people wearing cowboy boots and ten-gallon hats. While the state leads the country in production of beef, cattle, sheep, and wool, many people who live there don't fit the cowboy image. Texas is also the country's leading producer of oil, natural gas, and sulfur. Crude oil, or "black gold," was discovered in the state during the 19th century and the enormous east Texas oil field was discovered in 1930.
Famous Peoples From Texas
Henry Cisneros
Henry Gabriel Cisneros (born June 11, 1947) is an American politician and businessman. He served as the mayor of San Antonio, Texas, from 1981 to 1989, the second Latino mayor of a major American city and the city's first since 1842 (when Juan Seguín was forced out of office). A Democrat, Cisneros served as the 10th Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the administration of President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997. As HUD Secretary, Cisneros was credited with initiating the revitalization of many public housing developments and with formulating policies that contributed to achieving the nation's highest ever rate of home ownership. In his role as the President's chief representative to the cities, Cisneros personally worked in more than two hundred cities spread over all fifty states. Cisneros' decision to leave the HUD position and not serve a second term was overshadowed by controversy involving payments to his former mistress.
Prior to his Cabinet position, Cisneros served four terms as the mayor of his hometown of San Antonio, from 1981 to 1989. As mayor, Cisneros worked to rebuild the city's economic base, recruited convention business, attracted high tech industries, increased the level of tourism, and worked to bring more jobs to San Antonio. Before his tenure as mayor, Cisneros was elected to three two-year terms on the city council, on which he served from 1975 to 1981.
Throughout his career in politics and business, Cisneros has remained actively involved with housing development and urban revitalization. Cisneros is also an active advocate for the Latino community. He has and continues to serve on corporate boards, as well as chairing and serving on several non-profit boards to promote Latinos and the immigrant population. Cisneros has authored, edited, or collaborated on several books and is an in-demand public speaker.
After public office, Cisneros served as President and COO for the Spanish-language network Univision from 1997 to 2000 before forming American City Vista to work the nation's leading homebuilders to create homes priced within the range of average families. That company evolved to become CityView where Cisneros is Chairman. He is a partner in the minority owned investment banking firm Siebert Cisneros Shank & Co.
Cisneros co-chairs the Bipartisan Policy Center's Housing Commission and Immigration Task Force.
We also serve Kansas city.
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PD&G Wallcover Inc.
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Email: deb@pdgwallcover.com