Home Wallpaper Near Me South Dakota
Hello and welcome to our Home wallpaper site for South Dakota. My name is Deb Godknecht and my team and I have been helping people over 25 years find that perfect wallpaper for their room or space that they are looking for. We would like to help you.
One of the greatest struggles people have is what will my wallpaper look like on my wall. We have created a wallpaper simulator so you can see your wallpaper selection on the wall before you buy.
Please click this link WALLPAPER SIMULATOR and go check it out. I have my personal collection of wallpapers on that page as well.
If you have a specific wallpaper you would like to see on the simulator please contact me so we can arrange that. Contact Deb
Fun Facts For The State of South Dakota
South Dakota, constituent state of the United States of America. South Dakota became the 40th state of the union on November 2, 1889. The state has two unique physical features: it contains the geographic centre of the United States, which is located just north of Belle Fourche, and it has its own continental divide, as a result of which Lake Traverse, in the southeastern corner of the state, flows northward to Hudson Bay, and Big Stone Lake, on the Minnesota border, flows southward to the Gulf of Mexico. South Dakota is bordered by North Dakota to the north, Minnesota and Iowa to the east, Nebraska to the south, and Wyoming and Montana to the west. The state is split by the upper Missouri River valley into eastern and western regions. Pierre, in central South Dakota, is one of the country’s smallest state capitals.
Agriculture is a cultural and economic mainstay, but it no longer leads the state in employment or share of gross state product. Durable-goods manufacturing and private services have evolved as the drivers of the economy. Tourism is also a booming industry in the state, generating over a billion dollars' worth of economic activity each year.
South Dakota is the second-largest producer of sunflower seed and oil in the nation. South Dakota is also a leading producer of a variety of small grains including oats, barley, rye, flaxseed, sorghum and alfalfa.
The Black Hills are the highest mountains east of the Rockies. Mt. Rushmore, in this group, is famous for the likenesses of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt, which were carved in granite by Gutzon Borglum. A memorial to Crazy Horse is also being carved in granite near Custer.
Famous Peoples From South Dakota
Bill Janklow
William John Janklow (September 13, 1939 – January 12, 2012) was an American politician and member of the Republican Party who holds the record for the longest tenure as Governor of South Dakota: sixteen years in office. Janklow had the third-longest gubernatorial tenure in post-Constitutional U.S. history at 5,851 days.
Janklow served as the 25th Attorney General of South Dakota from 1975 to 1979 before serving as the state's 27th Governor from 1979 to 1987 and then the 30th Governor from 1995 to 2003. Janklow was then elected to the United States House of Representatives, where he served for a little more than a year. He resigned in 2004 after being convicted of manslaughter for his culpability in a fatal automobile accident.
Janklow was born in Chicago, Illinois. When Janklow was 10 years old his father died of a heart attack while working as a prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials in Germany. His mother moved the family back to the United States, and in 1954 when Janklow was 15, they settled in her home town of Flandreau, South Dakota.
In 1955, at the age of 16, he was accused of sexual assault of a 17-year old girl. Then he was caught shooting a gun at a water tower. A judge gave him two options—reform school or the military. Janklow dropped out of high school and joined the U.S. Marine Corps, serving from 1956 to 1959. He graduated from the University of South Dakota in 1964 with a BS in business administration, despite not having a high school degree.
We also serve Nebraska state.
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