Home Wallpaper Near Me Nevada
Hello and welcome to our Home wallpaper site for Nevada. My name is Deb Godknecht and my team and I have been helping people over 25 years find that perfect wallpaper for their room or space that they are looking for. We would like to help you.One of the greatest struggles people have is what will my wallpaper look like on my wall. We have created a wallpaper simulator so you can see your wallpaper selection on the wall before you buy.
Please click this link WALLPAPER SIMULATOR and go check it out. I have my personal collection of wallpapers on that page as well.
If you have a specific wallpaper you would like to see on the simulator please contact me so we can arrange that. Contact Deb
Fun Facts For The State of Nevada
Nevada, constituent state of the United States of America. It borders Oregon and Idaho to the north, Utah to the east, Arizona to the southeast, and California to the west. It ranks seventh among the 50 U.S. states in terms of total area. It also, however, is one of the most sparsely settled. Carson City, in the western part of the state, is the capital. Nevada became the 36th state of the union on October 31, 1864.
Nevada is located in a mountainous region that includes vast semiarid grasslands and sandy alkali deserts. It is the most arid state of the country. The state takes its name from the Spanish nevada (“snow-clad”), a reference to the high mountain scenery of the Sierra Nevada on the western border with California.
Nevada, which in the early 21st century was one of the fastest-growing states in the country, appears far removed from the days when Virginia City was a fabled frontier town, thriving on the rich silver mines of the Comstock Lode. However, many frontier qualities persist, though subtly transformed by a sophisticated urban environment. The prospectors digging against odds to find a bonanza have been replaced by the fortune seekers in the gambling casinos of Las Vegas and Reno, and the erstwhile “saloon diversions” have evolved into lavish nightclub entertainments.
Nevada is officially known as the "Silver State" because of the importance of silver to its history and economy. It is also known as the "Battle Born State" because it achieved statehood during the Civil War (the words "Battle Born" also appear on the state flag); as the "Sagebrush State", for the native plant of the same name; and as the "Sage-hen State".
Nevada is largely desert and semi-arid, much of it within the Great Basin. Areas south of the Great Basin are within the Mojave Desert, while Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada lie on the western edge. About 86% of the state's land is managed by various jurisdictions of the U.S. federal government, both civilian and military.
Famous Peoples From Nevada
Patrick Anthony McCarran
Patrick Anthony McCarran (August 8, 1876 – September 28, 1954) was an American farmer, attorney, judge, and Democratic politician who represented Nevada in the United States Senate from 1933 until 1954. McCarran's career in the Senate was marked by his ardent anti-communism and antisemitism, support for the aviation industry, and conflict with the Franklin Roosevelt administration over the New Deal and cooperation with the Soviet Union in World War II.
McCarran was born in Reno, Nevada, attended Nevada State University, and was a farmer and rancher. In 1902, he won election to the Nevada Assembly but left office in 1905 after an unsuccessful campaign for the Nevada State Senate. He studied law privately and was admitted to the bar in 1905, then won election as Nye County District Attorney. He served a two-year term, after which he returned to Reno. From 1913 to 1919, McCarran was a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada, serving as Chief Justice from 1917 to 1919.
In 1932, McCarran unseated incumbent Republican Tasker Oddie to become the state's first U.S. Senator born in Nevada; he was reelected three times and served from 1933 until his death. In his Senate career, McCarran served as chairman of the committees on the District of Columbia, Judiciary, and Joint Foreign Economic Cooperation.
As Senator, McCarran is remembered as one of the few Democrats to reject the Second New Deal. He sponsored the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 and was a proponent of establishing the United States Air Force. McCarran was also an anti-communist to the point of supporting some fascists (including Francisco Franco) to limit its international spread. He sponsored the McCarran Internal Security Act, restricting the political activities of those supporting "totalitarian dictatorship" in the United States. Other significant legislation McCarran sponsored includes the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, sometimes referred to as the McCarran-Walter Act, and the McCarran–Ferguson Act, a landmark law exempting the insurance industry from federal regulation, and the 1946 Administrative Procedure Act, which McCarran described as "a Bill of Rights for the hundreds of thousands of Americans whose affairs are controlled or regulated" by federal agencies.
We also serve Idaho state.
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